Studio on the rue d'Odessa, Paris 1952. Photo: © Guy Bourdin.

Shinkichi Tajiri is the baby on the left

oil painting on canvas board, 49x59 cm

Carving in limestone, Chicago

photo: © Sabine Weiss

plaster, h: 300 cm In his studio on the Rue d'Odessa in Paris

plaster, 1949 photo: © Sabine Weiss

The 2nd International Exhibition of Experimental Art (COBRA), Palais de Beaux Arts, Liège, Belgium

In the courtyard of a studio Tajiri had on the rue de la Grande Chaumière, Paris, 1952 photo: © Guy Bourdin

First edition 1956

photo: © Ata Kando/Nederlands Fotomuseum

Tajiri (left), Karl Kleimann and Isamu Kanamori photo: © Leonard Freed/Magnum Photos, courtesy Brigitte Freed

Developing a daguerreotype wearing a gas mask. Due to inhaling an excess of insidious fumes Tajiri was forced to stop for health reasons 1973-1976.

Working on Granny's Knot, studio Baarlo photo: © Leonard Freed/Magnum Photos, courtesy Brigitte Freed

Tajiri with his grandchildren at the iron foundry Geraerdts in Baarlo. This 5 meter high Sentinel marks the entrance to the village Nieuw-Bergen, LB. photo: © Kim Zwarts

On May 2, 2007, Queen Beatrix unveiled the four Sentinels on the bridge over the Maas river, Venlo. photo: © Reinier Linders
Shinkichi Tajiri was born in Los Angeles on 7 December 1923, as a son of Japanese parents. He was a sculptor, first and foremost, but he was also involved with photography and made a number of award-winning films, videos, stereo and panoramic photos. His life and artworks include Asian, American and European elements.
After the war he studied at the Art Institute of Chicago from 1947-1948 and then left for Paris, where he first studied with the sculptor Zadkine and later with the painter Léger. Tajiri was one of the first artists who created junk sculptures. With this, he earned the admiration of the Dutch CoBrA artists who resided in Paris. They invited him to take part in the first and second International Exhibition of Experimental Art (CoBrA), respectively in the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 1949 and Museé des Beaux Arts, Liège 1951.
In 1956, Tajiri took up residence in Amsterdam and in 1962 he moved, together with his wife Ferdi and their two daughters, to Kasteel Scheres in Baarlo near Venlo.
In the Netherlands, Tajiri was admired for his artistic diversity.
He represented the Netherlands at the Documenta II (1959), Documenta III (1964), Documenta IV (1968) and the 31st Venice Biennale (1962).
In 1969 Tajiri was appointed professor at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin on request by its art students, where he taught until 1989.
During this period he started to experiment with an array of different media including his own off-set printing press (X-Press), nearly forgotten photography methods, such as the Daguerreotypes and his computer drawings on the Commodore Amiga.
After Tajiri passed away the renewed Rijksmuseum (2013), Amsterdam acquired the sculpture Made in USA as well as Ferdi’s Wombtomb, which are on permanent display in the 20th-century collection of the museum.
Born December 7, in Watts, Los Angeles, U.S.A., of Japanese parents: Ryukichi Tajiri 1877-1939) and Fuyo Kikuta (1896-1972), who in 1906, resp. 1913 emigrated to the
U.S. They had seven children, of which Shinkichi George is the fifth
Moves to San Diego
His father dies on April 18
Takes lessons in San Diego with the sculptor Donal Hord (1902-1966) in exchange for weeding his cactus garden
Attends High School Aerodynamics Technique
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7 (on his 18th birthday)
Imprisoned with circa 120,000 Japanese and Japanese-Americans
February 19, president F. D. Roosevelt signs executive Order 9066, by which circa
120,000 Japanese-Americans, Issei and Nisei are evacuated and imprisoned without
individual charges or trials in concentration camps
In May internment in the stables of the Assembly Centre Santa Anita Race track.
In September internment in the Poston 3, Relocation Camp in Arizona, Colorado
River Indian Reservation
Volunteers for 442nd Regimental Combat Team, U.S. Army. Basic training at
Camp Shelby, Mississippi. A special combat unit entirely independent, comprised
(except for officers) of Japanese American volunteers
In May the 442nd Regimental Combat Team is shipped to Naples, Italy. Liberation of Rome
July 9: wounded at Castellina, North of Rome. Hospitalized for 6 months in the 6th General Hospital in Rome. Reclassified as Limited Service and serves in France in the
Army postal service and billeting section
Through stops in Marseille, Nancy (France) he went to Seckenheim
Special Service as artist, Seckenheim, Germany. Made drawings of Displaced Persons from Eastern Europe at Mannheim, Germany
On leave in Paris, France
January 9: after being demobilized, settles in Chicago, U.S.A., with mother, brothers and sister
Works as an antiques restorer in Japanese antique shop
Granted purple Heart Medal: one of the most recognized and respected medals awarded to members of the U.S. armed forces
Works on Father and Son
Works in studio of Isamu Noguchi, New York (August-September)
Studies for a year at the Art Institute of Chicago with G.I. Bill Stipend
Departs from the United States. September 28: arrival in Le Havre, France
Move to Paris, September. Follows from October 1948 to November 1949 lessons with
Ossip Zadkine (Académie Colarossi). Lives in Clamart, Paris
First contact with Simon Vinkenoog, who works as a model at the private academy of Zadkine. Through this contact he meets the CoBrA-artists
CoBrA is founded on November 8
Starts working on a series of sculptures Warriors, and Samurai, a reoccurring theme throughout his oeuvre
Studies with Fernand Léger from September until September 1950
Makes One-day sculptures along the banks of the Seine, photographed by Sabine Weiss (published in LIFE magazine 1952)
Co-founder of Gallery 8 (Huit) for American artists in Paris
Group show of G.I. students, Galerie St. Placide. In the review G.I. students show the
Left Bank is mentioned that Pablo Picasso visited the exhibition and particularly liked
the sculptures of Tajiri
He received praise from major critics such as Charles Estienne; and well-known French, Italian, German and English art magazines published articles about Tajiri’s work in which his work is presented next to works by Calder, Gabo, Duchamp, Giacometti, Chillida, Gonzales, Arp and other leading sculptors
American Artists shown at Gallery 8 (Huit): Robert L. Rosenwald, Carmen d’Avino, Sydney Geist, Burt Hasen, Al Held, Raymond Hendler, Oscar Chelimsky, George Ortman, Harold Tovish
Studies at Académie de la Grande Chaumière from September 1950 - September 1951
Studio at Rue d’Odessa (Montparnasse), Paris
Starts the Junk sculpture series
Henri Matisse as chairman of the selection committee of the Salon des Jeunes Sculpteurs in Paris chose Tajiri with three other sculptors for this exhibition. Le Corbusier is the designer of the exhibition
Stipend G.I. Bill stops
Guest professor at Werkkunstschule, Wuppertal, Germany. December 1951 - November 1952
Works as wallpaper designer at Rasch Tapeten-fabrik, Bramsche, Germany
Marries Denise Martin on May 25. She was the nurse at the hospital where he was treated for hepatitis
Studio at the L’impasse Ronsin at 150-152 Rue Vaugirard, Paris, together with Constantin Brancusi, Max Ernst, Oskar Chelimsky, Jean Tinguely, Eva Aeppli, Niki de Saint Phalle
Granted First prize for best German Wallpaper, international Wallpaper exhibition, Darmstadt, Germany
Meets Ferdi Jansen. Starts living together in a studio behind restaurant Wadja, in the courtyard at Académie Colarossi and later in Sucy-en-Brie, a suburb of Paris
Divorces Denise Martin on May 13
Moves with Ferdi to rue Vercingétorix, Paris; they travel together on a 650cc Triumph Motercycle through Spain, North Africa, Belgium, The Netherlands, Austria, and Italy
Designs the cover of the novel Molloy by Samuel Beckett
Makes the film The Vipers which was awarded the Lion d’Or (Golden Lion) for the Best
Use of the Language of Film at the 8th international Festival for Amateur Films, Cannes, France
Designs the cover of the novel Quiet Days in Clichy by Henry Miller with photographs of Brassai
Moves to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with Ferdi Jansen and they live at Oudezijds Achterburgwal 151
Marries Ferdi
Birth of Giotta Fuyo, June 6, first daughter
Invents Molar brick technique for bronze casting
Begins sculpture series Drippings
Family moves to a house and studio on the Valkenburgerstraat 150-152, Amsterdam
Founded the avant-garde group A’dam, together with Wessel Couzijn, Hans Verhulst, Ben Guntenaar and Carel Kneulman. This group was short-lived
Sculpture grant from William and Noma Copley Foundation, in the jury Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst and Hans Arp (William and Noma Copley Foundation later known as the Cassandra Collection)
Birth of Ryu Vinci, April 25, second daughter
Begins using tubular brass elements
Grant from the John Hay Whitney Foundation, New York
Move to Castle Scheres, Baarlo (Noord-Limburg), The Netherlands
Granted the Mainichi Shibum Prize for sculpture awarded at the Tokyo Biennale, Tokyo, Japan
Gold Medal at the Biennial of San Marino, Italy - Stay of six weeks in Japan Travels around the world
Karl Kleimann from Dortmund (Germany) and Isamu Kanamori from Tokyo become assistants in his workshop at Castle Scheres. Karl Kleimann remains his assistant for the rest of Tajiri’s life
Work is shown in group exhibition at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam with Max Bill,
Alexander Calder, César, Lynn Chadwick, Wessel Couzijn, Naum Gabo, Emile Gilioli,
Henry Heerup, Jean Ipoustéguy, Robert Jacobsen, Henri Laurens, Birgitte Meier-
Denninghoff, Jaap Mooy, Louise Nevelson and Germaine Richier
Visiting professor at Minneapolis School of Art, U.S.A. Resides with his family and
assistants in Minneapolis for one year, on invitation of the director Arnold Herstand
whom he knew from his time in Paris.
Makes Column for Meditation, a monumental sculpture for the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A
Travels for five months through U.S.A. and Mexico with family and assistants
Starts Machine sculptures. Tajiri’s series of Machines ended in 1968 with the No. 8
Participates in the local carnival parades with his friends and family. Taped on 1/2 inch Sony CV American System: video tape no. 1-2-3 Carnival in Baarlo
Makes first Polyester Knot sculptures
Nelson Rockefeller acquires Granny’s Knot; shown at the MoMa, New York
Death of Ferdi Jansen, February 2
Visiting professor Hochschule der Künste (HdK, University of the Arts), West-Berlin, Germany. On intercession of the students (permanent appointment: professorship in 1973-1989)
Suzanne van der Capellen comes to live at Castle Scheres, Baarlo
Grand Prix for the film Bodil Joensen, A Summer Day at the first Wet Dream Film Festival, Amsterdam
With his Sony Porta-Pak he records a series of interviews with artists and events
Visiting professor at Minneapolis College of Art and Design, U.S.A. (second time)
Creates video workshop and Electronic Bulletin Board which was put up in the hall of the institute
Death of mother Fuyo Kikuta-Tajiri
Revival of the daguerreotype photographic technique. Tajiri starts to make a large series of over 1000 daguerreotypes
Marries Suzanne van der Capellen, September 27
Makes Homage to Magritte, installation with stereo photos in stereoscopic view experiment
Granted Honorary Citizen of Los Angeles, U.S.A. and receives the Key to the City of Los Angeles by Mayor Tom Bradley
Travels to China with sixteen students from the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin
Meetings and exhibitions in art schools
Makes drawings of knots on the Commodore Amiga-computer
Retires from the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. After twenty years of teaching in retirement: Students say goodbye with exhibition
Granted Officer in the Order of the Orange-Nassau, May 29, chivalric order open to everyone who has earned special merits for society
Birth of first grandchild Tanéa Ferdi Teruo, September 29, daughter of Giotta and Alan Teruo Roberts
Granted Honorary Citizen Bruyères en Vosges, France
Birth of second grandchild Shakuru Shin, December 13, son of Giotta and Alan Teruo Roberts
Sentinel, commission for the Dutch Ministry of Defense to commemorate the end of the draft, Nassauplein, The Hague. This was the start of a series of Ronin based on the legendary story of the 47 Ronin
Establishes TASHA B.V. (Ta-néa + Sha-kuru, his two grand-children) the Shinkichi Tajiri Estate
Granted Member of the Académie Royale, Brussels, Belgium (nominated in 2000)
Granted Honorary Citizen of Maasbree, The Netherlands (Baarlo is part of this county)
May 2, Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands unveiled the four Sentinels on the bridge over the Maas river in Venlo, The Netherlands
Granted Knight in the Order of The Netherlands Lion, Dutch order of chivalry
Granted Dutch Citizenship, December 7
In the early morning of Sunday March 15, Shinkichi Tajiri passed away in his studio at home amongst his family
Receives posthumously the Congressional Gold Medal for his distinguished service during World War II as a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. It is the highest civilian award in the United States
The sculptures Made in U.S.A. from Tajiri and Wombtomb from Ferdi were aquired and are on permanent display in the 20th Century collection of the Rijksmuseum
Opening on April 15 of the renovated Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands